

Manage your account and monitor fund flow

This tool helps to monitor your account, as well as all funds flow. It will enable you to:

  • Empty your accounts rapidly every evening after a long working day.
  • Detect discrepancies and errors when you empty your accounts.
  • View all funds flow, save and print them.

The account management tool will enable you gain precious time. Directly linked to the stock management tool, any change in the account will lead to an adjustment of your stock.

Manage Your Stock Movement

Anticipate your currency stocks, manage them well to avoid losing potential income nor customer. The stock management tool will enable you to:

  • Instantly view the state of your stock.
  • Plan income and expenses in advance.
  • Consult the real value of your stocks.
  • Avoid being out of stock.

Easily manage your currencies

Update your exchange rates in just few clicks. Define prime exchange rates that you may apply to your creditworthy customers or customers trading large amounts. All these rates will be updated automatically and implemented in other branches.

ISChange has included the main currencies in its database. Easily add new currencies. When adding a currency, different information can be entered such as a three-letter acronym, a logo, buying price, selling rates, etc.

ISChange enables you to view currency rates worldwide in real time. This tool will help you define exchange rates to be applied.


Your precious metals are equally taken into account in ISChange

ISChange also manages precious metals. Although this module still under development, it, however, helps in the basic management of the basic management of the various categories of products. The module is still under development and will be more adjusted according to your needs.


Consult your European, French and Swiss sanctions lists all in one place

ISAgency integrates the following sanctions lists:

These lists are part of our plan to use ISAgency as a tool to consolidate all required tools and data for your activities to function properly. We are putting them at your disposal for better solutions. ISAgency further requires you to:

  • Consult the lists at a single location
  • Automatically search for customers in these lists during transactions.
  • Link a search to a transaction with the possibility of later accessing it.
  • Ensure that the list was made at a specific time for a given transaction and customer.

In accordance

Working in accordance with the applicable law

Exchange offices are obliged to be vigilant and make reports to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. ISAgency thus provides its management module on the Money Laundering Act (LBA/LAB), helping to work with absolute security at all times making sure it is in accordance with the applicable law.


Gain customer loyalty and ease your work

Manage all your customer data from a simple user-friendly interface. This tool will help:

  • Save your customers’ personal information.
  • Find data and view business information such as the date of last access, access frequency, amount exchanged, etc.
  • Pre-fill your administrative documents (LBA form) and gain time.
  • Store copies of your customers’ identification papers in your database. The ‘Scan’ feature enables you to scan identification papers and directly transfer them to ISChange. No need asking your customers their identification papers, they will be stored in your software.
  • Reward your customers’ loyalty. You may charge prime rates to your creditworthy customers or customers who have had a certain amount exchanged.
  • Use promotional offers to attract new customers. Charge prime rates to customers who exchange, for example, more than €2000 per month. You may easily get information on transactions made.


Interact with and within your agencies

ISAgency enables you to have several agencies in your company, interact and process transactions among agencies. When one agency is out of stock, more supply can always be gotten from another agency of the same company through an interagency transaction.


Save digital copies of your documents

ISAgency helps save digital copies of your documents and links them to a company for consultation at will as need be. The digitalization of documents is possible for:

  • Users
  • Transactions
  • Registered customers (desk or corporate)

You can export these documents when need be, in whatever format and store in your archives.


Apply a fixed, variable or specific commission depending on your activity

ISAgency allows you to define a commission for each of your transactions. Three types of commission can be applied:

  • A fixed commission: the same amount is charged for each transaction regardless of the volume of the transaction. It is up to you to define this amount.
  • Variable commission: the amount charged is proportional to the transaction volume. You define the percentage that will be applied.
  • A commission for specific cases: for example when using a credit card.



Access Control for Some ISChange Features

This feature helps manage ISChange user profile. You may not want your employee to have access to certain data or ISChange features.

Granting them a user profile, you can choose to either give them access or limit them to some actions and/or features. For example, if you do not want your employee to have access to your business turnover or revenue, nor modify the existing exchange rates, it is possible with just a few clicks.

You can determine three types of users: the user, moderator and administrator. Each has a different user right with the following roles:

  • The Administrator has all necessary rights to access all features of the ISchange software. This role best suits an exchange office manager in charge of several agencies of an exchange office.
  • The Moderator, slightly restricted as compared to the Administrator, is a role which best suits an agency or exchange office manager in charge of several counters.
  • The User has the most restricted rights. The latter can simply transact with customers. This role is suitable for the teller.

You can find a complete list showing the user right of each of these profiles here


Avoid Typing Errors and Control your Employees

This feature helps to control the authenticity of any change in the exchange rate and transactions. It sends a notification when:

  • There is a difference in the exchange rate
  • There is a loss


Visualize, analyze and anticipate the evolution of your activity

The statistics module offers a clear view on the volume of your activity by providing you with the following functionalities:

  • Visualization of the daily, monthly and annual margins achieved.
  • Summary of the state of your activity over a day, a month and a year.
  • Setting financial targets and monitoring them as they are set.
  • Setting exchange rates based on your financial results.


This data can be consulted wherever you are, from a simple internet connection. Thanks to the ISCloud tool.


Communicate with your Customers with Ease

Most exchange offices use external screens (TV screen) to communicate with customers.

The ‘external display’ feature enables the automatic display of charged exchange rates in your exchange offices. It is a dynamic display (showing information).

You can also display other information and better rates, for example, for transactions above CHF1000, contact details of your exchange office, etc.


Store and retrieve all your data in one click

A customer wants to retrieve information about a transaction made a few days or even a few years ago.

The search function allows you to consult all transactions carried out with no time limit in one click. You will find all the details of the exchanges made.

Transaction information is automatically stored on your hard drive, and on a secure external server if you wish.

You will also be able to search by criteria. For example, you can view the transactions for which the amounts exchanged exceed CHF 5000.

Archive and retrieve your data at any time

ISAgency offers you the possibility to export your data in CSV format to work with the office tools.

Each report in ISAgency is equipped with an export button that will allow you to generate a CSV file. So thanks to the data management module, you can export all your data in CSV files.

ISChange is pretty big thing to explore
Checkout features:

Try ISChange for free

Try ISChange for free during 30 days, if it does not answer to your expectations, you can benefit from our warranty “100% satisfied or refunded”. Contact us for further information

An intuitive and simple interface

ISChange has an ergonomic and intuitive interface; its various features enable you to work in all simplicity. ISChange users don’t require specific knowledge in data processing

Our solutions could be adapted to your exchange office

Our tools are flexible and configurable according to your expectations and your needs. ISChange can be spread on one or more counters, information could be shared between counters via network. The installation of ISChange and the network are free.

Save time and improve your productivity

Manage all your activity with only one software. ISChange will enable you to facilitate your daily tasks and optimize your working time. The processing time of transactions and risks of errors will decrease. Save your time and improve your productivity with ISChange.

Benefit from our personalized services

ISChange proposes you personalized services. Consult key figures of your exchange office wherever you are with ISCloud. Save your data and find all information you need in one click. Benefit from our after sales service opened 7 days a week..

A complete software

Developed in close collaboration with several exchange offices, ISChange will be able to allure you through its various features. Manage your customers, currencies, stocks of money, visualize and store all your transactions, print your tickets automatically, scan identification papers, show exchange rates on an external screen, etc.