Our services


Remote management of one or more agencies

ISCloud enables remote management of one or more agencies or foreign exchange offices. It allows an overall view of your foreign exchange offices’ activities as a whole, than on each taken individually. It provides a web-based interface, accessible through any web browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox…) and available everywhere at all times. It offers management, administration and display features for your foreign exchange offices’ activities. This tool is mainly meant for the administrator or manager of the agency (foreign exchange office respectively) or agencies (foreign exchange offices respectively).

Its main functions are as follows:

  • Viewing agency activity (foreign exchange office respectively)
    • View your transactions
    • View your profits and losses
    • View your stock (your cash fund respective)
    • View the dashboard showing the operating activity of your foreign exchange office
  • Foreign exchange office(s) management

    •  Set your rates and profit margins

    • Carry out transactions with corporate customers

  • Centralization of clients’ accounts and operations of the same company

    • Data consolidation (for clients) of various agencies within the same company or shareholding

    • Interconnect agencies through gateways (inter-agency transactions, client search)

    •  Carry out transactions among agencies

Development of a mobile version known as ISCloudMobile is underway.


Support and assistance 7/7, from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm

ISSupport service is necessary for the proper functioning of the foreign exchange office. Through this service, you are fully assisted on a daily basis by the ISChange team. This service is highly recommended. ISSupport provides you with the following services:

  • Support and assistance on issues concerning the use of ISAgency and its service package
  • Regular and ongoing maintenance of ISAgency malfunction
  • Availability of new features in the form of regular and automatic updates.


Automatic backup of your data

Users, already busy with other more important activities, must regularly be attentive, despite the existence of a manual backup in ISAgency. In this case, there is greater risk to forget. To solve this issue, ISSave provides:

  • Possible automatic backups every four hours on a local and remote server. The whole process is secured. This helps ensure that backups are done systematically.
  • The possibility to immediately retrieve all data in case of theft, fire outbreak or computer breakdown.


Automatic and regular recovery of exchange rates

The administrative operator must be particularly and regularly attentive because defining exchange rates for each currency is a sensitive, arduous and regular task. ISChange offers its ISCurrency service designed and developed to automate tasks in connection with the definition of rates in order to avoid mistakes that could have drastic effects and sometimes irreversible. As such, the administrative operator is left with defining the desired margins and ISAgency will set the rates applicable to transactions. The main functions of ISCurrency are as follows:

  • Automatic and regular retrieval of currency exchange rates according to market fluctuations and their application to ISAgency.
  • Automatic dispatch of final rates to all agencies according to the margins set by the administrative operator.


Build customer loyalty

In a bid to make the activities of exchange offices easier on a daily basis, ISLoyalty enables a great gain of time by offering easy identification for both users of ISAgency and customers of foreign exchange offices. It works by simply introducing a card containing a RFID chip on a RFID reader for the customer or card holder to be immediately identified. This quick identification gives access to the following features:

  • Authentication of users on ISAgency without need for their identifiers (account and password) with the possibility to access some features according to associated privileges (access permission). This is possible through an authentication card.
  • Quick identification of foreign exchange offices customers in order to enable quicker transactions and put a loyalty mechanism in place through preferential rates for loyalty card holders.


Dynamic display and synchronization

Display of exchange rates on a secondary screen is already available on ISAgency. With the default set up, the client workstation where ISAgency is installed is directly connected to a secondary screen through a cable (HDMI or other). ISScreen provides a more flexible and dynamic solution with the following features:

  • Removal of the cable between the ISAgency workstation and the secondary screen for a solution that integrates the local computer network more easily (through Wi-Fi) by giving the possibility to place the secondary screen at a desired position.
  • The possibility to directly receive consolidated data from the local server
  • Dynamic display and synchronizing with the local server every four minutes
  • Management of queues


Quickly master your software with our training offers

In order to accompany and guide you in the best way possible in the handling and use of your software, our professional trainers offer you a training adapted and individualized, which will meet your needs.

Take advantage of a half-day of training offered.

We offer two types of training:

  • Our trainer comes to your premises. The program is established according to your needs and the specificities of your company. The trainer adapts to your pace of learning and your level of knowledge of the software. You exchange directly with your trainer and can follow this training with 4 of your collaborators.
  • You can also choose a distance learning course. Opt for this formula to train without travelling. The content of the training is adapted to your needs. Discuss directly with our trainer, he will be able to answer all your questions. There are no travel expenses to foresee.


Display your exchange rates on your site

In order to display your exchange rates in your different communication media (web, auxiliary screen, mobile&), ISChange has provided an API that allows you to retrieve the exchange rates of your different exchange offices and display them. The API provides the result of your requests on several formats such as HTML, JSON and CSV.


Automatic analysis of the risk of a transaction or client

Under development

As a financial intermediary, the manual foreign exchange activity is subject to the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA in France) or the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA in Switzerland). Thus, in order to verify that the manual money changers carry out their activity in accordance with the law, the control body mandated by the state carries out regular checks to ensure that the law is respected. If the law is not complied with, the bureaux de change are often subject to heavy fines and in the worst case, their licence is withdrawn. As the risks are very high and often of different orders, it becomes very difficult for the Money Changers to be aware of all the risks with each transaction they have to make. To help them in this task, ISChange is setting up a risk analysis service called ISRisk, which will accompany the manual money changers in their daily activity. This tool remains and will remain a companion. The decision to pass the transaction will in all cases be made by the ISAgency operator at the counter. ISRisk will assess the following risks:

  • Risk linked to the client who wants to place the order: ISRisk will make sure that the client is not present in the lists of sanctions and freezes of assets imposed by the State. If this is the case, and if there is a potential risk, ISRisk will propose to the counter operator a list of names that more or less correspond to the client in question. The counter operator will make sure that the client is not present in the list by comparing the clients identity document with the list.
  • Transaction amount risk
  • Currency risk
  • Transaction modality risk


No more queues, ISScan automatically saves your customers documents.

Under development

Customer registration is a tedious, time-consuming and recurring task. It requires the teller operator to work a lot. To compensate for this long task, ISChange will soon offer its ISScan service that will enable you to automatically register your customers, thus improving your productivity.


ISCloud service accessible on Smartphones

Under development

Advantages of mobility is obvious nowadays. ISMobile simply brings more mobility to the ISCloud service by making it accessible using smartphones. ISMobile is nothing but the mobile version of ISCloud which is under construction.

ISChange is big enough to explore.
See the characteristics :

Try ISChange for Free

Try ISchange for free for 30 days. If your needs are not met, take advantage of our ‘100% satisfaction or money back’ guarantee. Contact our sales department now.

A Very Simple and User-friendly Interface

The ergonomic and user-friendly interface of ISChange, as well as its various features will enable you to work with ease. The use of ISChange does not require an in-depth IT knowledge.

Suitable Solutions for Your Company

Our tools are flexible and configurable according to your expectations and needs. ISChange can be deployed in one or more branches and share information via networking. ISChange installation and network equipment is free.

Gain in time and productivity.

Only one tool to manage all your activities will ease your daily tasks and thus maximize your working time. Consequently, gaining in time and productivity. Transaction processing time and possible errors will be reduced.

Enjoy Our Custom Services

ISChange offers you a wide range of services. Consult the key figures of your foreign exchange office wherever you are with ISCloud, store your data on a secure external server and find them in a click. Enjoy our technical service open seven days a week and training opportunities.

A Complete Management Software

Developed in close collaboration with several foreign exchange offices, ISChange will attract you with its various features. Manage your clients, currencies, view and store all your transactions, automatically print your tickets, scan identity documents in a click, display exchange rates on an external screen, and many others.